ACUSI Detective

Middlebury Police Department
Addison County, VT
Full Time
1 month ago

这是米德尔伯里警察局的一个警探职位涉及到艾迪森县特别调查组(ACUSI).  ACUSI是一个多机构工作队,致力于针对家庭暴力报告进行刑事调查, sexual assaults, and serious child abuse.  该单位的专业人员受过专门训练,以处理这些罪行的独特和敏感性质.  在争取专业调查和成功起诉的同时,为受害者辩护是最重要的.

侦探对涉及儿童性虐待的报告进行调查, serious child physical abuse, and sexually based offenses against adults throughout Addison County.

该职位由佛蒙特州特别调查组拨款委员会及其主办机构资助, ACUSI.  分配到该部门的侦探仍然是米德尔伯里警察局的雇员, subject to an annual contract.

• Plan, coordinate, 进行调查和/或协助调查有关儿童性虐待的报告, serious child physical abuse, and sexually based offenses against adults throughout Addison County.
• Interview suspects, witnesses, 以及其他可能参与或掌握与指定调查相关信息的个人.  与适当的多学科团队成员合作进行这些访谈.e., forensic interviewer and DCF investigator.
• Prepare and maintain NCAtrak data entry.
• Serves as SIU liaison officer with other local, state, and federal law enforcement agencies regarding assigned cases.
•仍在米德尔伯里警察局的监督和雇用下,并将在该地点保留一个主要办公场所, with additional office space at the ACUSI office if desired.
• Attends the monthly case reviews, MDT, and peer review meetings.  参加董事会会议(应要求)和任何其他安排,以进一步发展ACUSI的工作.
确保所有的调查都符合当地的法律法规, all applicable state and federal laws, and established professional standards.
• Makes instruction presentations to schools, other groups, and/or media as coordinated by the Special Investigation 

指派给刑事罪案调查处的警探应该有自信的风度和举止, empathetic for the victim, etc.)让儿童和成人放心,并有耐心采访儿童,调查针对儿童和成人的犯罪. 在整个调查和面谈过程中,受害者必须感到安全,而不是受到警官的恐吓或威胁.

指派给ACUSI的侦探应该有与公众互动的丰富经验,并对与不同人群互动有积极的倾向. 之前与受害者和外部转介机构合作的经验很重要. Specialized skills are required for the SIU, and, at a minimum, 侦探必须完成国家认可的儿童法医采访课程. As a prerequisite for conducting interviews with children, ACUSI支持全国儿童联盟标准的要求,即圆满完成以能力为基础的虐待儿童法医面谈培训,包括儿童发展. In addition, 继续教育是必要的,以保持对ACUSI处理的案件调查的最佳做法的最新知识.


指派给刑事罪案调查处的侦探应具有同时管理多项调查的经验. The workload, coupled with the limited availability of trained investigators, 通常需要调查人员在调查周期的不同阶段跟踪和管理多个案件. Detectives should have adequate PC skills and be familiar with e-mail, Word, Excel, and similar programs used in ACUSI.


• Current Vermont Level III law enforcement officer certification.
• Associate or bachelor’s degree is preferred, 再加上至少三到五年的相关执法经验, preferably as a Detective/Investigator.  可以考虑将教育和经验结合起来,从中获得相当的知识和技能.
•完成基本和/或先进的国家和国家认可的法医采访培训,面向儿童采访,包括儿童发展和创伤的足够知识.  合格的申请人必须证明对嫌疑人面谈和审讯技巧的熟练程度.
• Directly related training and experience in criminal investigations, including working knowledge of state criminal laws, court and criminal proceedings, search warrants, arrest laws, juvenile laws, evidence procedures, giving depositions and testimony, and victim and youth counseling.
• Ability and flexibility to travel within the state.
• Valid driver’s license.

• Duties will require the ability to regularly sit, stand, walk, reach with hands and arms, and talk or hear on the phone and in person.  
•这份工作需要特殊的视觉能力,包括长时间的视觉集中, close vision, distance vision, color vision, depth perception, and the ability to adjust focus. 视力矫正至20/40(双眼),双眼能分辨颜色.  
• This position will have extensive contact with others.  
•该职位可能在不稳定的情况下工作,有时甚至在危险的情况下工作. It may require the ability to perform duties that may require running, climbing, stooping, kneeling, stepping over uneven ground, and physically confronting and restraining combative individuals.  
•有时会暴露在极端高温、寒冷、大风等天气因素中. May be exposed to fumes, chemicals, and bodily fluids such as blood.
• Ability to lift, carry or drag up to 50 pounds. 

•雇主是米德尔伯里镇,以合同为基础,每年续约一次. This position is exempt from the bargaining unit.
•工作地点:标准工作地点是米德尔伯里警察局和ACUSI办公室.  A vehicle will be provided for on-duty use.
•附加福利包括每年12天的带薪休假, 10 holidays, 2 personal days, 12 sick days.  A $1200 health insurance allowance is paid at $100/month.